Fundación Don Juan de Borbón invites female composers to participate in the 7th International Composition Competition María de Pablos, which takes place in Segovia (Spain). The aim of the competition is encouraging and promoting talented female composers in their careers, while honoring the Segovian composer María de Pablos (1904 – 1990).
The competition has a preliminary and a final round.
The preliminary round will take place in November 2024. A jury will select three works that will be performed at a live concert during the Final Round.
The Final Round will take place in Segovia (Spain), on January 25th, 2025 in the “Encuentro Mujeres Músicas María de Pablos”. The jury will award three prizes. There will be also an Audience Award.
We are pleased to announce that, as for the 2024 edition, Iberia will collaborate with the travel expenses of the composers selected for the Final Round.
The competition’s rules are as follows:

- The competition is open to female composers of any age or nationality.
- For the 7th International Composition Competition María de Pablos, participants must submit an original work composed for SOLO PIANO.
- The compositions must be original. Only unpublished works that have never been performed in public nor broadcast on radio or television and that have never won a prize at any national or international competition will be accepted.
- The duration of the work must be between 6 and 15 minutes (to be stated on the score).
- The name of the composer must not appear anywhere on the score.
- The jury will consist of five reknown personalities of the field.

- 1st Prize “MARÍA DE PABLOS”
– One thousand five hundred euros (1500€)
– World premiere at the “XXXII Jornadas de Música Contemporánea de Segovia”.
– Diploma
- 2nd Prize
– Five hundred euros (500€)
– Diploma
- 3rd Prize
– Three hundred euros (300€)
– Diploma
– Two hundred euros (200€)
– Diploma

- Applications deadline is October 28th, 2024. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
- Composers must send their applications by e-mail to: fundacion@fundaciondonjuandeborbon.org.
- Applications must include:
– Manuscripts or digitalized scores in PDF. Both are eligible. Composers who choose to submit manuscripts must make sure that they are clear and free of scratchings and erasures. If a manuscripted work is selected for the Final Round, the composer will be responsible to translate the manuscript into a music notation software program, and to send it within eight days after the announcement.
– A copy of an official ID (both sides) or passport
– A brief resumé
– Proof of payment of the €30 registration fee. The payment can be made on-line HERE or to the following account: IBAN ES08 2038 7627 89 6000073292.

In October 2024, the jury will select three compositions from all applications and the Fundación Don Juan de Borbón will announce the selected finalists.

- The Final Round will take place on January 25th, 2025. The three selected works will be performed in a public concert. The jury will announce the prizes after the performance.
- The three finalist composers may be present at the Final Round on January 25th, 2025, although their presence is not mandatory.
- The flight company Iberia and the Fundación Don Juan de Borbón will cover flights from cities included in Iberia routes to Madrid and the accomodation expenses during the weekend in Segovia (January, 24-26th, 2025). Overland travel must be borne by the composer.
- Finalists will be asked to attend a rehearsal with the ensemble on January 25th, during the morning. Each finalist will have one hour to work with the ensemble.

- The jury’s decision will be final and not subject to appeal. The jury may also declare unawarded any of the prizes.
- Finalists will cede their work’s rights to the Fundación Don Juan de Borbón for the possible recording, editing and distribution of videos and television broadcasting of the Final Round, on January 25th, 2025. Following the presentation of the three works on January 25th and the premiere of the winning work at the “XXXII Jornadas de Música Contemporánea de Segovia”, rights are made available to the authors. Whenever such works may be performed or published, they will mention the prize as follows: “1st prize (or finalist) of the María de Pablos International Composition Competition”.
- The Fundación Don Juan de Borbón is excluded from any liability arising from plagiarism or any other transgression of Spanish intellectual property law which the contestants might incur with their works. If an author should use or incorporate pre-existing musical elements in her work, she will be liable for the defence of their rights, the Fundación Don Juan de Borbón being exempt from any liability in this regard.
- The Fundación Don Juan de Borbón is not liable for any material mislaid or damaged in transmission.
- Participation in this Competition implies complete acceptance of rules and regulations, including the interpretation thereof by the Jury at any time.
- In like manner, the Fundación Don Juan de Borbón reserves the right to decide unexpected cases according to its best judgment.